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<footer class="footer" >
{{ if ne .Kind "home" }}
<section class="content">
<h3>Tag List</h3>
<ul class="tag-cloud">{{ range $name, $taxonomy := .Site.Taxonomies.tags }}
{{ with $.Site.GetPage (printf "/tags/%s" $name) }}
<li class="tag-list-item"><a class="tag-link" href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ $name }}</a></li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<section class="content">
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{{ if .IsPage }}
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{{ else }}
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<section class="content">
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{{ now.Year }} <a class="p-author h-card" rel="author" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL}}">Smitha R Kamath</a> and
respective author unless otherwise
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You can read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service <a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/privacy" class="link">here</a>.
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<noscript> <style> .with-js{display:none}</style><a class="to-top" href="#to-top">&uarr; go to top &uarr;</a></noscript>
{{ with resources.Get "js/main.js" | minify }}
<script>{{ .Content | safeJS }}</script>
{{ end }}