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title = "Digital art with foss episode 1" date = "2018-04-22T15:48:00+05:30" tags = ["Krita", "Creative Commons", "Free Software", "tutorials" ] thumb = "/img/videos-thumbs/daef-thumb-01.jpg" description = "This is the first episode in the series on digital art with free and open source software. This episode covers the basics of painting in krita." keywords = ["krita", "Basics", "Tutorial", "digital art with foss", "interface basics", "UI", "krita" ] slug = "digital-art-with-foss-episode-1"


This series is about creating digital art in free software. For those who don't know what free software is please read this. This is the first episode in the series on basics of painting in krita.

{{< video src="/videos/Digital-art-with-floss-krita-ep01.mp4" poster="video-thumb-ep01.jpg" type="mp4" >}}

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Episode Notes

Krita is a free and open source digital painting application. We take a tour of Krita's interface and learn how to create a new document in Krita.