713 B

+++ title = "Two hour speed painting" date = "2015-11-30T23:27:00+05:30" thumb = "/img/speed-painting-thumb.jpg" tags = ["process"] description = "2hr speed-painting in krita. I tried to finish this painting in 2 hr, I might have taken 5-10 minutes extra :) " keywords = "speed painting, krita, Linux, floss painting"


2hr speed-painting in krita. I tried to finish this painting in 2 hr, I might have taken 5-10 minutes extra :)

{{< video src="/videos/rise-timelapse.mp4" poster="rise-video-thumb.jpg" type="mp4" >}}


Music - Living Voyage by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 International License.

The finished painting

speedpainting krita